Carnegie Mellon University
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Micro and Nano Systems Laboratory
College of Engineering
News & Events
Pietro Wins Graduate Fellowship
Pietro is a 2019 winner of the Philip and Marsha Dowd Graduate Fellowship. The award is given in recognition of innovative research and strong academic performance, and offers financial coverage for the researcher yearly salary and tuition. The fellowship assigned by the Philip and Marsha Dowd Engineering Seed Fund is intended to provide support for graduate students proposing work on cutting-edge research projects.
Luca Colombo Graduated
A member of the lab, Luca Colombo, has completed his graduation in September 2019. The entire group gathered on a dinner to see him off, and wish him very best of luck for his future endeavors.
PMaNS Laboratory
In the MEMS Laboratory, we are developing miniature sensor and actuator systems made using batch-fabrication processes, especially integrated-circuit fabrication processes.....