Fifteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2010)
Sheraton Station Square
Pittsburgh, PA - March 13~17, 2010
Call for Proposals for Tutorials
Proposals are solicited for tutorials to be organized in conjunction with ASPLOS-XV. Please keep in mind that the goal of tutorials is to educate the community on a new idea, practice, or tool, and that a major characteristic of the tutorials should be a high level of interactivity. Please choose the tutorial topics and format accordingly. Please send your tutorial proposals to Ken Mai (CMU) before October 1, 2009, with the following information:
- Title of the tutorial
- Organizers, presenters, and their affiliations
- Description of the main objectives of the tutorial, topics covered (and some related bibliography), the target audience, and prerequisite knowledge.
- Expected duration of the tutorial; i.e., 1/2 day, full day, or 2 days
- Expected tutorial format. i.e., talks, or talks + demo, etc.
- If the tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e., which conference), date, and number of attendees at the last tutorial
- Please answer the following two questions pointedly:
- How/why would the tutorial be useful to the ASPLOS community?
- What specific plans do you have to make the tutorial interactive?