Call for Student Poster Presentations
A student poster session will be held with the reception on the Sunday before the conference. The student poster session is an excellent venue for graduate and undergraduate students to present and discuss their ongoing research work. The poster session features short presentations by student speakers followed by informal one-on-one interactions between presenters and other conference participants. The goal of the poster session is to help students obtain early feedback on their research projects and establish contacts with other researchers with similar interests.
Submissions and Evaluations
Students who intend to present a poster must send the following information to Shimin Chen (Intel) by February 1, 2010:
- Title, authors' names, and affiliations.
- One-page abstract in PDF format of the proposed presentation.
- Name and email address of the student presenter.
- Please include “ASPLOS poster submission” in the email title.
Selected student presenters will be notified via email starting February 15, 2010.
Student authors/presenters are encouraged to apply for travel support.