Copying Designs to Submission Library


Students typically design both schematics and layouts in their own libraries, located in /afs/ece/usr//_cds. However, when we tape out or submit a design for fabrication, we like to have a copy of all views of all cells that are submitted in a single Cadence library. The submission library is usually process_number. Here process is typically a mnemonic string that refers to both the company that is providing the process and the feature size or other mnemonic name for the process. Examples include example, jz60, ibm8hp, st7rf, ... The number is a unique numeric identifier, which is incremented each time we tape out. Numbers start from 001.

Copying Procedure

Remember, you have to copy all views of your cell. Often this copy has to be hierarchichal.
  • Opening the library manager and verifying both your library and the submission library you want to copy into are present.
  • Select the topmost cell name in the hierarchy of cells you want to copy.
  • Use Edit -> Copy to open the Copy Cell window
  • Set the From Library and Cell. They are your library and cell view
  • Set the To Library and Cell to the submission library (see above) and appropriate cell name.
  • Select Copy Hierarchical
  • The only libraries that should be in the Skip Libraries text box are the design kit libraries. Remember to delete all the libraries from prior tapeouts.
  • Select Copy All Views
  • Select Update Instances, and set the drop down to Of New Copies Only
  • Select Add To Category, and type your name into the Category text box.
  • Click on OK
  • Typically you will get one or more cells in a Copy Problems popup window. Please leave the prop.xx as Don't Copy. You can overwrite those that you had previously copied.
  • You are now down copying
  • Verifying that the Copy Worked

    Edit your cds.lib with your favorite editor and comment out the DEFINE that relates to your library (the source library in the copy), by adding -- to the left of the DEFINE. Close all cells using File -> Close Data, select All, and clock on OK. Refresh the Library manager using View -> Refresh. Now open the top cell in the submission library and verify that everything is present.


    You have to copy the layout views of your cell if you want to tape out your chip. We want you to copy your schematic views too so that others that follow you in the MEMS Lab have access to your schematic designs also.
    Last modified: Wed Nov 23 12:57:53 EST 2005