CIF in / CIF out

We'll actually start with CIF out
  1. From the CIW window (the one that is at the bottom of the screen when Cadence is started) : FILE->EXPORT->CIF
  2. Press the button : User-Defined Data
  3. In the new window that opens, the "Layer Map Table" field should have been filled in by default. If not, you are not using the mumps_cds, hp_cds and ams_cds startup scripts as you should be... tsk! tsk!.
  4. Press : OK
  5. Press : Library Browser
  6. When the next window opens, go through your library structure to find the
  7. layout view of the cell that you are CIFfing out.
  8. Press : Close
  9. Type in a name for the file in the "Output file" field.
  10. Never bother changing anything in the "Scale UU/DBU" field for now because there is a bug in the code which results in the number in that field being useless.
  11. Press : OK

For CIF out NODAS generated layout:

  1. press SHIFT-F to display all level of your layout.
  2. select all the layout
  3. click Edit->Heriachy->flatten
  4. in the flatten window, select "display level" and "flatten pcell".
  5. once flatten is done, select all the layout
  6. click Edit->Merge
  7. in CIW, click File->Export->cif
  8. in the window, specify your lib, cell, and output filename.

  9. Now come the important part. Do not name your output file as the same name as your cell name! For example, if your primary cell is "test", name your output file "test1.cif". if you name it "test.cif", it will not work!
  10. Press: OK
for cif in:
  1. first make sure your cif in lib exist.
  2. second make sure your cif in view (in this case "layout") does not exist. Otherwise, cadence will NOT overwrite it, and cif in will fail.
  3. click File->import->cif
  4. in the window, specify all that required.

    Again, if your filename and primary cell name is the same, cadence will fail to cif-in in some cases.

Please direct any questions to: If I can't answer your questions, I'll find someone who can.

Revised: 10/20/99 by