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Unfair Scheduling Patterns in NUMA Architectures

Wednesday September 11, 2019
Location: CIC 4th floor Panther Hollow Conference Room
Time: 4:30PM-6:00PM


Lock-free algorithms are typically designed and analyzed with adversarial scheduling in mind. However, on real hardware, lock-free algorithms perform much better than the adversarial assumption predicts, suggesting that adversarial scheduling is unrealistic. In pursuit of more realistic analyses, recent work has studied lock-free algorithms under gentler scheduling models. This begs the question: what concurrent scheduling models are realistic? This issue is complicated by the intricacies of modern hardware, such as cache coherence protocols and non-uniform memory access (NUMA).

In this paper, we thoroughly investigate concurrent scheduling on real hardware. To do so, we introduce Severus, a new benchmarking tool that allows the user to specify a lock-free workload in terms of the locations accessed and the cores participating. Severus measures the performance of the workload and logs enough information to reconstruct an execution trace.

We demonstrate Severus’s capabilities by uncovering the scheduling details of two NUMA machines with different microar- chitectures: one AMD Opteron 6278 machine, and one Intel Xeon CPU E7-8867 v4 machine. We show that the two architectures yield very different schedules, but both exhibit unfair executions that skew toward remote nodes in contended workloads.


Ziv Scully is a graduate student in Computer Science at CMU advised by Mor Harchol-Balter and Guy Blelloch. He graduated from MIT in 2016 with a BS in Mathematics with Computer Science. He is the recipient of an NSF Graduate Fellowship and an ARCS Foundation scholarship. Ziv’s research focus is optimizing and analyzing computer systems and algorithms from a stochastic perspective, including job scheduling, load balancing, combinatorial optimization under uncertainty, and parallel algorithms. Recent publications of his have been recognized with awards from the INFORMS Applied Probability Society (Best Student Paper Prize finalist, 2018), IFIP PERFORMANCE (Best Student Paper Award winner, 2018), and ACM SIGMETRICS (Outstanding Student Paper Award winner, 2019).