NSF Research at Carnegie Mellon — EEC-0343760
Educating 21st Century Power Engineers

Tower at Night  

Software Development
The IPSYS family of software was developed for use in the
Power Systems curriculum by Research Engineer Dr. Jovan Ilic.

Back to home page The Interactive Power Systems Simulator (IPSYS) is a scripting tool used to define, manipulate, and analyze electrical power systems data of a prescribed format.  A user can interact with single or multiple power systems models through the IPSYS shell, a MatLab interface (MIPSYS), or a single network using a GUI Interface (GIPSYS).  The IPSYS shell interface features can be grouped into four distinct types: data types, general operators and functions, program control and scripting, and specialized power systems routines.  Power systems networks are modeled as separate objects that can be read in from a file, manipulated, modified, simulated, and optimized, and the resulting system can be stored in an external file.  GIPSYS adds to IPSYS a graphical user interface (GUI) from which a network can be entered, modified, and a few common algorithms executed.  MIPSYS is the MatLab interface to IPSYS back end routines.

API Manual download

Users Manual download

IPSYS Setup.exe