
News Items

Stanley Sun wins Third Prize in the CIT Undergraduate research competition, May 2005

Undergraduate researcher Stanley Sun has won the third prize in the CIT undergraduate research competition part of CMU's Meeting of the Minds.

Deployment of Low Power Modes For E-Textile Applications

IEEE Spectrum, October 2003

Electronics and fabrics woven together will make smart dressers of firefighters, football players, and fashionistas alike...


Cavin's Corner, Semiconductor Research Corporation, Aug. 2003

Cavin's Corner is an archive of selected or solicited articles from the SRC community that are focused on challenges and new directions in semiconductor science and technology...
(Requires an SRC user account)

Newsweek International, July 2003

Most tech-textile designers believe it is now only a matter of time before we actually live among what Diana Marculescu, an engineer at Carnegie Mellon University, calls “intelligent ambient systems...”

EE Times, June 2002

Adressing the challenges faced by researchers in modeling "smart fabrics" with "wearable" capabilities like any other garment but also local monitoring, computation and wireless communication capabilities....

39th Design Automation Conference, June 2002

Special Session on E-Textiles: Challenges and opportunities in modeling, analysis and optimization of electronic textiles - video presentation and slides...