The Fourth Workshop on the Intersections of Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable Logic (CARL 2015)

Portland, Oregon - Sunday, June 14, 2015

Oregon Convention Center, Room D-132

Co-located with ISCA 2015

The Fourth Workshop on the Intersections of Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable Logic (CARL) is being brought to you in an all new format of all invited talks.

As always, CARL seeks to be the forum to bring relevant FPGA and reconfigurable logic developments to the computer architecture audience to foster new directions and interactions. Since the first CARL in 2009, we have seen FPGA and reconfigurable computing taking a solid foothold commercially and moving toward mainstream. Today, many powerful and flexible FPGA-based platforms are available commercially to you and me. There is, however, currently a diverse range of thinking on how best to integrate the FPGAs with the rest of the system (CPUs and main memory in particular) and what are the driving killer-apps. The time is ripe for computer architecture research to get involved in asking the right questions and coming up with the answers.

CARL 2015, co-located with ISCA, will invite a representative spectrum of major industry players who are active in this space to talk about the design philosophy behind their systems. The goals is for computer architects to walk away with an appreciation for the current diverse and fast-changing state-of-the-art as well as many good ideas on how to engage in this growing space of opportunities.

Program (Oregon Convention Center, Room D-132, June 14th)

Call for Papers

Presentations will be by invited industry contributors. No call for papers this year. We will return to the traditional format next time around (MICRO 2016??).
